We have almost been without you for 9 months and that is so hard to understand. Soon the time you have been gone will become longer than the time that you were with us. It's so painful not to be able to hold you in my arms, to feed you, change you, kiss you goodnight and watch you grow. I wake up each night from my sleep and think of you my darling boy. We are holding you forever in our hearts and talking about you every day. I always want to feel close to you. Thank you for sending us so many signs we receive every one with love. We show our love for you now in new ways. Rupert misses booping your nose, holding your hand and making you laugh. He makes nice pictures for you all the time and has his Ralphie bear by his side at school and at home. We visit your special garden and read you stories. We write our memories and put them in your memory lantern. We all love you and miss you so much, our hearts are hurting. We celebrate your life by trying our best to keep living and we are so grateful that you will be apart of our family forever.